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Safety Goggles

Information on how to get started making safety goggles

Why do we need goggles?

In emergency situations where face shields are not available to protect the wearer’s eyes from respiratory droplets, properly made safety goggles can provide a layer of protection.


Please note that these are a last-resort option, and face shields are strongly preferred. It is important to contact your receiving location ahead of time to ensure that they will accept donations using this design. 


What projects can I get involved with to make Goggles?

Project Name: Soda Bottle Safety Goggles (Instructables)

Recommended modifications:
-Adhesive closed cell foam band around the forehead area to prevent droplets from falling down

-Catastrophe-grade, approved as a last resort when no other droplet-protection is available for the eyes.
-Contact provider first to confirm that there is a critical need and that they will accept this design

This information was produced in collaboration with OSCMS. Click here for more information and documentation.