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Sunny Mui

What is PPE?

By PPE Insights
PPE means Personal Protective Equipment and can vary depending on the environment, contagion, etc, but its purpose, in the case of COVID-19, is to protect healthcare workers from exposure to SARS-CoV2.
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Other Important COVID-19 Projects

By Advocacy
There are a lot of people working to bend the curve, support healthcare workers, find the best treatment and overall fight this pandemic. The following is a list of other projects you may be interested in following or contributing to. Data State responses and outcome reporting Medical Provider Information Sharing Medical Provider-only, anonymous (if you want) chat group (Slack + sponsored) Call For Ideas, conservation of PPE via JAMA Mental Health NAMI guide on mental health during this pandemic Medical Resources Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources (NEJM), Ethics
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Help Ease Hospital Traffic

By Advocacy, PPE Insights
The first way to help is to stay home and practice social distancing - this is the most effective way to curb the spread. The less people that get sick, the less strain there is on the healthcare system. The CDC has published guidelines on what to do if you are sick. Here is a selection from the guidelines : Stay home except to get medical care Stay home: Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care. Do not leave your home, except to get medical care. Do not visit public areas.…
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