The Dedicated Team at Get Us PPE
Get Us PPE Staff: Directors & Deputy Directors

Throughout her education and career, Shikha has focused on the intersection of medicine, public health policy, and technology, and she believes in the power of diverse people working together to effect significant change. Shikha is based in Washington, DC and is a passionate advocate for health as a human right, and equitable healthcare delivery and outcomes.

With over 10 years working in public relations in health and non-profit organizations in the US and Australia, Ali has a diverse communications background with a strong acumen towards project and account management.
Ali is based in Brooklyn, New York.

At the start of the pandemic, Adriane worked for a local New York City food bank to try to help support her community and is so grateful to be able now to be a part of an organization that is helping the underserved on such a large scale.
Prior to her work with Get Us PPE, Adriane has worked on air and in sales at QVC as a brand representative.

In the decade before joining, Get Us PPE, Clé worked as a software engineer and project manager primarily in the field of logistics and transportation, from payment processing systems for the greater San Francisco Metro Area Transit Authority to building and advancing vessel tracking solutions around the globe.

Prior to arriving at Get Us PPE, Greg has worked in diverse non-profit and for-profit roles, including leading record-setting global application deployments at Amazon and IBM, operation of a 100’ historical wooden cargo ship, and study of the Federal Supply System for Congress’s Joint Economic Committee.

Alizée has a background in research and clinical psychology, as well as management, with a focus in strategy and operations. As an aspiring physician, she is devoted to helping others and promoting equal access to resources, and is a passionate mental health advocate.

Joanna has a background in public health and health disparities. She first joined Get Us PPE as a volunteer in late March 2020. She is passionate about understanding and deconstructing the social, political, and economic structures that create inequities.

With a background in design, marketing and management, Donni served roles as art director, marketing/PR director, web project manager and production director in non-profit and corporate organizations before becoming a consultant. She now advises and supports leadership teams' efforts to expand their organization's mission and enhance effectiveness. She is driven by a desire to uplift people and inspire planetary stewardship.

Krystian brings his expertise in volunteer management, workforce development, and teaching & curriculum design from his experiences in K-12 education, nonprofit management, and public health. He is passionate about designing talent development efforts as a way to promote equitable decision-making.

Prior to her current role, Amanda was a Research Associate at Harvard Business School, and, before that, a book editor in the humanities at Princeton University Press and Harvard University Press. She is also a poet.

Emily has a background in healthcare management and is dedicated to helping health-focused organizations achieve their goals through good management and best business practices.

Get Us PPE Co-Founders & Board of Directors

Professor of Emergency Medicine and Radiology Harvard Medical School

Clinical Associate, Department of Emergency Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University
Emergency Physician, PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center

Editor-in-chief of Brief19, ACEP Now, and cohost of FOAMcast
Named as one of the “50 Experts to Trust in a Pandemic” (Elemental, a Medium publication)

Co-Founder & President, Project Stanley
Associate Professor, Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business

Founding Member, California Health Medical Reserve Corps
Instructor, California State University East Bay

Emergency Physician

Emergency Department Physician, Oregon Health & Science University
Co-founder, Equity Quotient
Founding Member and Strategic Lead, TIME’S UP Healthcare
Named as one of the “50 Experts to Trust in a Pandemic” (Elemental, a Medium publication)
Get Us PPE Volunteers: The real heroes of our organization!
Adam Beckman
Aditi Teriar
Alannah Clarke
Albert Khuong Tran
Alex Chen
Ali Hickerson
Ali Taylor
Ali Zaidi
Amalia Bay
Amy Wang
Andrea Alvarado
Andrew Siyoon Ham
Anita Zahiri
Anna Dai-Liu
Anson Cheung
Anya Shyani
Arlene Kisliuk
Arlene Tjoarman
Benjamin Batorsky
Benjamin Chang
Carolyn Neves
Claire Liu
Clara Choate
Claudia Kiss
David W. Couch
Deepesh Duwadi
Deepthi Sathyanarayana
Elise Kwon
Elizabeth Wei
Elye Robinovitz
Emily Kwan
Erica Abrahms
Erin Kisliuk
Eva Bonime
Forrest Bicker
Gabrielle Setiabudi
Garrett Gerberding
Gaurav Gupta
Grace Jin
Gretchen Manuel
James Chen
Jef Pearlman
Jenna Gerberding
Jenny Zhao
Jessica Sateesh
Karina Popovich
Kat E. Porras Gonzalez
Katie Lingen
Kezia Varghese
Khine Lwin
Kim Pananides
Lisa Watts
Louise Corscadden (Technology and Scientific Council)
Lucy Wu
Marissa Sandkuhler
Mark Boguslavsky
Mary Hurley
Matthew Rubashkin
Mauline Onsombi
Nancy Kalb Turner
Natalie Weiner
Nathalie Felton
Neel Vishwanath
Olivia Hart
Priscilla Woo
Rhea Malhotra
Rowan Rockafellow
Ruby Wu
Ryan Cranfill
Sam Cohen
Samantha Tham
Sara Riaz
Sarah Tsang
Sean Mills
Sohail Syed
Steven Tjandra
Suhas Gondi
Sunny Mui
Tasmiah Khan
Taylor Purzycki
Tessa Vanooteghem
Theresa C Stickney
Trenton Reinicke
Unnati Gupta
Veronica Najera
Vikas Ramachandra
Virginia Lee
Zoe Matticks