New Mexico Regional Affiliates

Regional affiliates are a core part of the GetUsPPE grassroots coalition, and we are proud to partner with these New Mexico groups.

GetUsPPE Regional Affiliates in New Mexico

Protect Native Elders

We are a 100% volunteer team of Indigenous community members, activists, healthcare professionals, tech professionals and other like-minded individuals spread across the United States. Our focus is on providing PPE and essential supplies to Indigenous communities, families, medical staff and front-line workers.

Daily, our tireless volunteers work in the field to deliver much needed supplies and support. We coordinate our efforts with tribal leaders and are in consultation with multiple tribal nation command centers.

We are working with a rich network of suppliers, manufacturers and makers to deliver masks, face-shields, hand sanitizer, water, food and other essential supplies directly the people in need across the Native American communities.

Can’t find a regional affiliate in your area?

Fill out our Regional Affiliate Application to become one!

Do you have PPE to donate?

Please visit our give page.

Give PPE


Request PPE Donations

Give Gear

Direct donations of PPE

For the Maker Community

Small distributed manufacturing of validated designs


Support GetUsPPE financially