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Pie Chart Showing Urgent PPE Need

Get Us PPE’s New Shortage Index Confirms Ongoing National PPE Crisis

By PPE Data, PPE Insights, Press Releases
Monthly Report of PPE Shortage Data Shows 77% of Facilities Have No Supply Remaining of One or More Types of PPE WASHINGTON, D.C. –  September 2, 2020. Get Us PPE, the nation’s largest nonprofit delivering personal protective equipment (PPE) to frontline facilities in need, today announced the launch of the PPE Shortage Index, a detailed monthly report on the ongoing PPE crisis in the United States. The Index shows that thousands of healthcare facilities and other frontline organizations are still facing alarming shortages of personal protective equipment. In August, 77% of facilities in the Get Us PPE database had no…
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Map of US PPE Needs

Get Us PPE Announces Publication in The Lancet on Continued Healthcare PPE Shortage in the US

By News, PPE Insights, Press Releases
- Extensive new data analysis of 6,169 facilities registered in the Demand Data Hub shows that the healthcare PPE shortage continues - BOSTON - May 14, 2020 GetUsPPE, a leading volunteer organization connecting healthcare providers with supplies of PPE (personal protective equipment), today announced an extensive new data analysis of PPE shortages, published in the May 14, 2020 issue of the authoritative medical journal The Lancet. This analysis shows that shortages of PPE continue to be a significant problem for hospitals and healthcare facilities in all areas of the United States. The study reports on data collected by GetUsPPE and…
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Face Shield Distribution

Get Us PPE Delivers One Million Face Shields to Healthcare Facilities Nationwide

By Impact Stories, Press Releases
- Medical Device Manufacturer Boston Scientific Mobilizes to Fuel Face Shield Donation in Response to COVID-19 - BOSTON – May 11, 2020 – GetUsPPE, a leading volunteer organization connecting healthcare providers with supplies of PPE (personal protective equipment), has delivered one million face shields to healthcare facilities around the United States. Shields manufactured and donated by medical device manufacturer Boston Scientific (NYSE:BSX) were distributed by partners including Amazon to healthcare facilities in more than 40 U.S. states and territories. With the help of a team of national volunteers and regional affiliate organizations, GetUsPPE identified the healthcare facilities with the highest…
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Nations capitol covered with GetUsPPE signs

PPE Weekly Briefing: Get Us PPE and Project N95 Combine Forces

By News, Partners, PPE Shortage Briefing, Press Releases
GETUSPPE.ORG & PROJECT N95 COMBINE FORCES TO CREATE THE LARGEST DEMAND SIDE DATABASE FOR PPE NATIONWIDE GetUsPPE and Project N95, two relief organizations addressing the critical shortage of PPE supply, today announced a national partnership to more efficiently source, match, and deliver PPE to healthcare providers. With this partnership, Project N95 and GetUsPPE combine their extensive PPE demand databases into the Demand Data Hub, designed to be the single destination for healthcare workers to report their PPE needs, and the nation’s authoritative source for PPE demand data. The Demand Data Hub now includes PPE requests from over 7,000 healthcare facilities.…
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Get Us PPE and Project N95 Announce the Demand Data Hub, a National Partnership to Centralize Requests for Personal Protective Equipment

By News, PPE Data, Press Releases
The two largest organizations in the US focused on the supply and matching of PPE join forces to increase delivery to our front-line healthcare heroes The Demand Data Hub combines the extensive PPE demand databases from both GetUsPPE and Project N95 into the nation’s authoritative source for PPE demand data  BOSTON, MA and SAN FRANCISCO, CA - April 20, 2020 – GetUsPPE and Project N95, two leading relief organizations addressing the critical shortage of PPE supply, announce the establishment of a national partnership to more efficiently source, match, and deliver Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to healthcare providers. With this partnership,…
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