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Oki Tjandrakusuma

three surgical face masks

Origin Story of Get Us PPE

By Behind the Scenes
#GetMePPE Begins Day 1 - March 16 Dr. Esther Choo (@choo_ek) and Matt Cortland (@Mattbc) started the hashtag #GetMePPE on Twitter to stimulate stories about shortages of hospital equipment and raise awareness about the Defense Production Act (DPA) of 1950, our most promising mechanism for rapid mass production of needed hospital resources. Day 2 - March 17 Based on their frontline experiences, Dr. Val Griffeth (@VGriffeth) and Dr. Choo drafted an initial letter pleading for personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers. They then teamed up with Drs. Megan Ranney (@meganranney), Emmy Betz (@EmmyBetz), Seth Trueger (@mdaware), Jeremy Faust (@jeremyfaust),…
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